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If you own an off-road vehicle, such as a dirt bike or a golf cart, you may assume that your homeowners insurance provides adequate coverage for this vehicle as well. Unfortunately, most homeowners insurance policies only offer coverage for off-road vehicles in the case of theft or weather damage. Typically, this coverage ends once you leave your property. 

Adding car insurance for off-road vehicles to your policy can ensure that you have the necessary coverage for accidents, injuries, and damages involving your off-road vehicle. At Encore Insurance Group, we can help you determine the best insurance for off-road vehicles to suit your specific needs.

What Off-Road Vehicles Need Insurance in Michigan?

Off-road vehicles are any forms of transport designed to be driven off of traditional roads. If you own any of the following off-road vehicles, you should consider adding coverage for them to your insurance policy:

  •     ATV
  •     Snowmobile
  •     Golf cart
  •     Dirt bike
  •     Dune buggy

Many people believe that these vehicles do not need auto insurance because they never drive them on the road. While off-road vehicle insurance coverage is not legally required in Michigan, this coverage can provide a generous safety net if any expensive accidents or damages occur involving these vehicles.

Types of Off-Road Coverage in Michigan

Every insurance policy is different. However, most insurers provide the following types of coverage for off-road vehicles:

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage can pay to repair your off-road vehicle in the case of a collision with an object or another vehicle. For example, if you hit a tree or crash into the side of your shed, collision coverage can help pay for your off-road vehicle repairs.

Bodily Injury Liability

Bodily injury liability coverage can protect you if your off-road vehicle causes physical harm to another person while you are operating the vehicle. This insurance can cover the person’s medical expenses and your legal defense if the person brings a lawsuit against you.

Property Damage Liability

Property damage liability coverage can protect you if you damage another person’s property, such as their shed or vehicle while operating your vehicle. 

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage can pay to repair physical damage to your off-road vehicle from causes other than an accident, such as theft, inclement weather, fire, or vandalism. Comprehensive coverage is critical if your homeowners’ insurance does not provide any coverage for your off-road vehicle.

 At Encore Insurance Group, we can help you understand what types of coverage you need based on your off-road vehicle operating habits and your homeowners’ insurance coverage.

Reasons to Purchase Car Insurance for Off-Road Vehicles

Like any insurance coverage, off-road insurance provides a safety net if an accident or injury occurs while operating your ATV. Off-road insurance is necessary to:

  •     Protect you: Off-road insurance can protect you if you are liable for another person’s damages.
  •     Protect others: Off-road insurance can provide the funds to pay for another person’s property repairs or medical expenses.
  •     Save you money: Operating off-road vehicles often involves navigating dangerous terrain. Off-road insurance can pay for any repair costs if you crash your vehicle. It can also save you significant money in the case of a lawsuit.

If you own an off-road vehicle, getting the coverage you need as soon as possible can provide you with the necessary funds for accidents, injuries, theft, fire, and other damages that occur down the line. Often, it’s not a matter of if you will need to use this coverage, but when.

At Encore Insurance Group, we provide fast and easy off-road vehicle insurance quotes for Michigan residents. We’ll compare prices from several insurance companies and determine the most affordable and comprehensive coverage for your needs.

Contact us at Encore Insurance Group today at 248-466-0200 to request your free quote.